Ultimate Unwrap 3D
Ultimate Unwrap 3D is a standalone UV mapping software for unfolding and unwrapping 3D models.
It includes an easy-to-use UV coordinate editor, a standard set of UV mapping projections such as planar, box, cylindrical, and spherical,
as well as advanced UV mapping tools for those difficult to map areas on a model.
The Pro version includes a full-featured set of additional UV mapping editing tools, such as straightening, aligning, packing, and seaming.
It is ideal for artists, professionals, modellers, game developers, and hobbyists, and easy enough to use for all levels of computer users.
Pack UVs vs Pack UVs (Pro) |
Import, edit, create, unwrap, uv map, export, and much more!
Click here for a full list of features.
Ultimate Unwrap 3D runs under Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 platforms.
Running Windows 10? Click here for support.
Ultimate Unwrap 3D supports over 100 file formats, including FBX, DAE, ASE, DXF, LWO, OBJ, and DirectX.
We support 3ds Max, Maya, SoftImage, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Modo, Sketchup, and many more!
View a complete list of currently available file formats.
Download and try out the demo now!
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